Blood Parrot Cichlids
The parrot cichlid was created in Taiwan in the late 80s and the first specimens of the first form of parrot cichlids, the blood parrot cichlid, was introduced to the market in 1986. It then took some time before these fish became known in the west. The term parrot cichlid can also refer to Hoplarchus Psittacus.
The exact origin behind this hybrid is unknown. It is however a result of cross breeding between different South American cichlids. The most accepted theory is that The blood parrot cichlid is the result of cross breeding a male "Cichlasoma citrinellum" (midas cichlid) and a female "Cichliasoma synspilum" (redhead cichlid). There are however also a number of theories that thinks that parrot cichlids contain genes from some kind of Severum cichlid.
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The Parrot Controversy
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